
International Student Profiles: A chat with Lidya

LidyaInternational Student Profiles share perspectives from Lehigh students from around the world! Lidya Yalew Bekele, ‘22 studies Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering through the P.C. Rossin College of Engineering and Applied Science. We sat down to chat with Lidya—here’s what she had to say...

Hometown: Addis Ababa, Ethiopia


Why did you choose to attend Lehigh? Apart from being a very prestigious school that provides an outstanding education, I chose Lehigh because of its unique curriculum. The Ethiopian curriculum requires students to choose between STEM and Social Sciences/Humanities during their junior year of high school. Once students choose either of the two, they can neither change nor pursue the other as a minor or elective. As someone who was always interested in STEM and Business, I wanted to come to a school that allows me to pursue my passion without limitations. Lehigh’s interdisciplinary programs permit students to pursue different career interests without being restricted to only one major. Apart from academics, Lehigh offers a wide variety of extracurricular opportunities. In particular, the UN-Youth Representative Program caught my attention since I was involved in a similar program back in my home country; I wanted to continue my role in college.


What is your favorite academic experience? My favorite academic experience so far has been studying abroad. Lehigh gives students lots of learning opportunities outside their scope of classroom study. As an international student, I have always had a keen interest in traveling and immersing myself in a new way of life. During my sophomore year, I traveled to India through the Global Citizenship Program. Through this program, I was exposed to different cultures and developed a sense of personal, social and corporate responsibility to the global community as an engineer. This summer, I will be traveling to Alaska through the Martindale Honors Program, where I will be exploring business, economic and public policy issues in Alaska for an academic article publication. Lehigh has all of what I need and more to succeed in college!


What has been your favorite experience or memory within the Lehigh community? Being among the founding members of the African Students’ Association is one of my favorite memories at Lehigh. When I was a first-year student in 2018, there was no organization that showcased the African continent even though there were students from Africa. However, we all shared the need to feel represented and create a community that makes students feel included. Upon the establishment of ASA, the club meetings and events became occasions I look forward to the most after class on Fridays. The community we’ve fostered is akin to that of a family, and we couldn’t have done this without the support of the Student Senate and Global Union. I’m honored to be a part of an organization that educates the campus community about my home continent and serves as a safe space for students that are thousands of miles away from their home countries.